Additional Information

A Hearing Aid that Doesn't Sound Like a Hearing Aid!
By changing the paradigm of sound with a revolutionary platform, Widex Moment delivers the purest and most natural sound Widex has ever made. Typically, sound processed in a hearing aid hits the eardrum later than direct sound, causing distorting artifacts and a metallic effect. But now your clients can hear like before. From the very first moment.
INTRODUCING THE FASTEST SOUND PROCESSING EVER IN A DIGITAL HEARING AID ZeroDelay™ Technology allows us to eradicate the problem of delay-based distortion and the resulting artificial sound that can annoy, frustrate and disappoint so many users – both new and experienced.
To help you hear your best, Widex Moment features exclusive Sound Class Technology that automatically adapts your hearing aid to your specific listening requirements. Without pushing any buttons, Widex Moment ensures optimal clarity, comfort and audibility in each different situation.

With Widex Moment, you have the option to fully control your hearing aid using the Widex Moment app on your Apple or Android smartphone. It’s never been easier to fine-tune your hearing, so you get exactly the sound you prefer in exactly the moments that are important to you.

- Widex PureSound™ with ZeroDelay™ Technology
- TruAcoustics™ with Personal Gain Integrator
- Digital Pinna
- Enhanced Dynamic Range Compression Fitting rationale options
- True-Input Technology
- High Definition Locator
- Speech Enhancher
- Noise Reduction
- Soft Level Noise Reduction
- Directional Focus Via MOMENT APP
- Reverse focus program Via MOMENT APP
- Preference Control
- Fluid Sound Analyser
- Multi-directional Active Feedback Cancelling
- TruSound Softener
- TruSound AOC
- Hammer Detector
- SMARTWIND MANAGER™/Wind Noise Attenuation
- SoundSense Adapt
- Listening programs
- InterEar volume/program shift
- Speech (S)/Music (M) streaming template
- SmartSpeak/SmartTone
- Personal Zen
- Zen/Zen
- Wireless CROS compatible
- High-Frequency Boost
- Audibility Extender
- Fine-tuning channels
- High-resolution Sensogram (9 fitting bands)
- Sound Diary/Datalogging