Your Complete Hearing Aid Maintenance Guide

Caring for your hearing aids is vital to ensure they perform their best and help you enjoy the sounds of life without interruption. Think of it like this – just as your car needs regular upkeep like cleaning, periodic oil changes, tire rotations, inspections and tune-ups to help it last longer and decrease costly repairs, some essential hearing aid maintenance can go a long way.
Whether you're cleaning Phonak hearing aids or any other brand, you'll find practical, step-by-step advice that makes upkeep simple and straightforward. Keep your devices in top shape with our comprehensive hearing aid maintenance guide designed to keep you connected to the world around you.
How to Clean a Hearing Aid
Cleaning is the most crucial type of hearing aid maintenance. Neglecting the regular upkeep of your hearing aids can lead to a variety of issues, from diminished sound quality to more frequent repairs. Regular cleaning prevents earwax and moisture buildup – common culprits that can interfere with your device's functionality. Incorporate the following hearing aid cleaning steps into your daily routine to keep your devices in pristine condition:
- Place hearing aids on a soft surface, such as a towel.
- Remove any wax from the surface of the hearing aid. Do not use water or chemicals.
- Brush any debris out of the microphone area.
- Clean the sound port or wax guard.
- Replace wax filters.
- For users with custom molds only: Run a thin filament through your vent.
Hearing Aid Online Care Tips
Hearing aids may be tiny, but they are technologically complex devices. That means caring for them may feel complicated at times. Here is a list of the most important hearing aid maintenance tips:
- Handle them delicately and avoid dropping them on hard surfaces.
- While most hearing aids are water resistant, avoid immersing them in water unless they are 100% waterproof, like the Phonak Audeo Life hearing aids.
- Always store your hearing aids in a dry location that is not too hot or cold. Investing in a dehumidifying case or container can ensure your devices remain in great shape and ready for next use.
- Keep your hearing aids free of earwax.
- Remember to charge your hearing aids every night or replace your batteries regularly.
Hearing Aid Tuning
When you choose a hearing aid from Online Hearing, we meticulously tune and program your device to match your specific hearing needs before it's shipped to you. However, should your device need adjustments over time, we offer remote tuning from the comfort of your own home. Most adjustments are straightforward, like modifying the volume to suit your environment or preferences. Contact us for more info.
If alterations in pitch or tone are necessary, proceed with caution and make changes gradually. We recommend seeking professional assistance for significant tuning needs.
Hearing Aid Feedback Fix
Hearing aid feedback can bring a good conversation to a screeching halt. This unpleasant ringing or screeching is a common problem for hearing aid wearers. Luckily, there are a few hearing aid feedback fixes that you can try at home, which include:
- Clean any earwax out of your receiver and microphone.
- Inspect the tubing and earmold for any holes or cracks.
- Ensure your hearing aids fit snugly in your ears.
- Properly adjust the volume.
- Have your ear canals examined for excessive ear wax.
Perform a Daily Audio Check
You should perform an audio check as one of your daily hearing aid maintenance tasks. We get so busy in our day-to-day lives that it is easy for subtle changes to go unnoticed. This is why it is helpful to sit down and check your hearing aid's performance each day. In a controlled environment, listen closely for any buzzing, ringing, or distortion. It can also be helpful to listen to a consistent sound, such as a TV set to a specific volume level. This can help you identify if something that was once clearly audible is now difficult to hear, which might indicate a problem with your hearing aid's performance.
Hearing Aid Repairs
While you may be able to perform some minor hearing aid maintenance tasks at home, serious repairs and part replacements should be left to the professionals. When you purchase a hearing aid online from Online Hearing, you get the same manufacturer warranties you'd get from a local hearing aid center. Our nationwide support team can often help you with minor repairs and troubleshooting over the phone.
Shop for Hearing Aids Online!
While hearing aid maintenance can extend the lifespan and improve the performance of your hearing aids, they will not last forever. When replacing your hearing aids, contact your hearing specialist to make arrangements for an audiogram for your next pair. You can get a replacement hearing aid or upgrade to something more high-tech at our online hearing aid center. We will preprogram your hearing aids and ship them directly to your door. If you ever need help working on them, it’s no problem. All our hearing aids come with lifetime support services. Shop for hearing aids online now!
Our customers save an average of $2900 per order
We are changing the hearing aid industry to offer a different way to buy hearing aids and save thousands. Our business model is designed to save customers $3000-$5000 on average for a pair of hearing aids, along with providing high quality service that our customers worldwide can rely on. We've helped thousands of happy hearing aid wearers find the right hearing aids for the right price. We offer programming, maintenance, cleaning services, warranty processing and replacement parts, we do it all.